Your financial burdens weigh on your mind nearly every moment of the day. When you think about the mess you are in, your stomach aches. You are unable to sleep, and the stress affects every aspect of your life. If for a brief moment you are able to distract yourself, to relax your mind, the phone rings and your heart drops. Calls from the credit card companies, your bank, the mortgage company, never cease, never letting you forget the deep hole you are stuck in.
Suffering from Debt Stress in Minnesota? There is a way out.
You must know that you are not alone, that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone makes mistakes, and bad things happen to good people. We can help. The experienced Minneapolis bankruptcy attorneys at the Rosenzweig Law Office know exactly what you are going through and are prepared to help. Stop the harassing phone calls. Breathe again. Sleep again. Regain the life you once had. Contact one of our Minnesota debt relief attorneys in and request your FREE copy of our book: What You Need to Know Before you File For Bankruptcy in Minnesota.
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 13
- Proof of Claim
- Debt Reduction
- Negotiation
- Credit Repair
Real Estate
- Purchase Agreement
- For Sale by Owner
- Lease Agreements
- Contract for Deed
- Lease to Own
- Property Transfers
- Start Ups
- Partnership
- Contracts
- Business Purchase
Tax Resolution
- Offer in Compromise
- Installment Plan